I'm sick of the world
While watching some tv, I saw an example of women being used, and the women not caring. It reminded me the other night when I was watching Law & Order SVU, there was a character who talked about women like they were sex objects. It wasn't real, but that sort of stuff is out there, everywhere. I don't understand how women can put up with men using them. I can't understand how men can put up with women using them. Friendships and relationships should be symbiotic, not parasitic. How can people do that to each other? How can people live with themselves knowing that they're using someone or being used?
It's so strange, that as I was growing up, the shows I watched on tv emphasized friendship, trustworthiness, valuing others, all that good stuff. What caused everyone to forget all the good things they learned? Don't they feel any remorse? What are they going to tell God when He asks them why they treated people the way they did?
I feel like I'm naive sometimes when I think that there has to be people out there, besides those in the church, who value good as the most important thing in their life. Had I not been in the church, I doubt I would have found anyone, man or woman, who shared my values. I'm glad that I have friends who don't put others down, and who think of the other person's well-being. They don't use others for gain, and don't allow themselves to be used. They stand up for what they believe in, and give support to their friends if they can.
I might act stupid sometimes, or say something I shouldn't from time to time, but if I do, I don't mean it. I would never do anything to hurt my friends. Without them, I would be more of a loser than I am. I'd be an anti-social nutjob who wouldn't know to act around women, and would end up scaring them off. Thank you everyone for helping make me the person that I am. Thank you for being there if I needed to talk.
Somehow I went from one topic to another, but that's ok I guess. I should be going now, it's late. Have a good week everyone.
Amen to that, brother.
Annette, at 12:54 PM
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