The blog of a man STILL addicted to beef jerky

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Something great

For years, I've felt that I'm capable of doing something great. It wasn't out of arrogance, I just had a feeling. Ever had a feeling like that? I've always wondered what it is that I would do that would be so great. It's not my ultimate destiny that I get this feeling about, but it feels more like something that I'll make. Now a year or so ago, out of nowhere, a piano song popped into my head. I had created part of piano song in my mind for no reason. Since then, I've come up with a few more songs, so I wonder if I'll write a great song one day. Music can be a very emotional thing, and there are some songs out there that can generate a feeling that most of the rest can't. Can I create a song like that? Do I really have what it takes to create an epic song?

I hope one day to learn the piano, so that I can get these songs out of my head. The way my mind works, if I come up with something, like a story idea, song idea, or whatever, my mind keeps reminding me of it until I start making it. After that, it leaves me alone. I don't want to be reminded of songs I haven't made yet for the rest of my life. Even if I'm playing a song written by someone else, it's a good service to do something like that for Holy Day music, or to entertain people.

To conclude, I think that there's probably something great that everyone is capable of. We need to find what that is, and do it. We can all do something of interest, and to me, music is one of the best "great" things that we can do.


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