A night to be MUCH remembered
So last night my dad and I are driving down to Ft. Lauderdale for the night to be much observed/remembered. Usually we only drive half way and carpool with the Matthews, but couldn't do that last night. For a while now, the car drive has been shakier than usual, but nothing to be concerned about. Also, the car was really pulling to the right, so the steering wheel had to be turned to 10 o'clock for us to drive straight. Anywho, as we're driving, the car starts vibrating a little more than usual. If my dad takes his foot off the gas, it gets worse. The vibrating keeps getting worse and worse, until about 10 or so miles away from where we need to be, the car is really shaking, but we have nowhere to pull over. Finally we find a spot, and my dad slows the car to pull over. As soon as he does that, the front right tire blows. It was only a hand-sized piece of tire that came off, and it was only the top rubber part, so we didn't swerve. I also think God played a hand in that. My dad's changing the tire, and I'm trying to figure out why there's a ton of fluid over the engine, the battery, etc. With the new tire on, the ride is much smoother, and we don't pull the the right nearly as much. We get to where we need to be a few minutes before sundown, and have a great night. I had a ton of steak (filet mignon), potatoes, green beans, more steak, vanilla ice cream, unleavened cheese cake with chocolate on it, and some hot chocolate! It was a feast fit for a king and a priest.
We're driving back home, and half way back the transmition slips into neutral, then back into drive. We pull over, and find more stuff sprayed over the engine and the inside of the hood. It's transmission fluid, and one of the hoses, which has apparently acted up before, has a split in it. We cut it below the split, and put it back on, but we still lost a ton of fluid. We've got about a quart left, when we should have about 4 or so quarts. My dad has about half a quart or so left in the trunk, which MIGHT be enough to get us to the next exit and to a gas station. A guy stops to help, which was nice. Thankfully we did make it to the station, he even provided directions. My dad bought the last 3 quarts of transmission fluid they had left! We got home safely at 2:45. Definitely a night I won't forget.
We're driving back home, and half way back the transmition slips into neutral, then back into drive. We pull over, and find more stuff sprayed over the engine and the inside of the hood. It's transmission fluid, and one of the hoses, which has apparently acted up before, has a split in it. We cut it below the split, and put it back on, but we still lost a ton of fluid. We've got about a quart left, when we should have about 4 or so quarts. My dad has about half a quart or so left in the trunk, which MIGHT be enough to get us to the next exit and to a gas station. A guy stops to help, which was nice. Thankfully we did make it to the station, he even provided directions. My dad bought the last 3 quarts of transmission fluid they had left! We got home safely at 2:45. Definitely a night I won't forget.
I remember waaay back at the end of World Wide and beginning of Global, on the first DUB, dad pulled out of the driveway and was about a quarter mile from the house when the tire blew. He went back and changed it, so he, mom, and I were able to make it to another service that was being held in Georgia. Turned out pretty well. Oh, there were also tornados around both areas (house and services).
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 6:19 PM
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