Guess what!?
So tonight I get ready to watch the Colts and Patriots game. The Colts dominated, it was great. Anywho, I go and get a Mr. Pibb from the soda machine. I take off the cap. I look at what it says. I won a free 1 liter soda! Can you believe it! The curse has ended! Yes! Best day of my life! Well, probably not, but I was still really happy. Now you don't have to worry about me feeling bad about not winning. So guess who's gonna frame their winning cap? Me. I'm not turning that thing in, I'm keeping that bad boy!
I'm glad the Patriots are going to be knocked off their throne this year!
Benjammin, at 10:38 AM
I'm with Gina on this one.
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 10:20 PM
Don't turn it in, that's how they hook you. They let you win just enough to keep you coming back for more. It's a conspiracy!
Josh K, at 12:21 AM
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