Hey guys, check this out!
2 Corinthians 13:12 tells us "Greet one another with a holy kiss." Now here's the cool part. 1 Corinthians 3:1 says "And I, brothers (can also be brethren), could not speak to you as to spiritual ones, but as to fleshly, as to babes in Christ." Guys, we have Biblical permission, a command, to kiss women in the church, the "babes in Christ", when we see them. Just be careful, it can only be a holy kiss, but it's a kiss nevertheless.
Any of you who feel like obeying the word of God, go right ahead.
Disclaimer: Do not take what I just said seriously. It was meant to be a joke (a bad joke, but one nevertheless).
Any of you who feel like obeying the word of God, go right ahead.
Disclaimer: Do not take what I just said seriously. It was meant to be a joke (a bad joke, but one nevertheless).
Ian French! You also have to respect the girl's personal space and comfort level before you try to greet her with a holy kiss...or else you might get a holy punch in the face. :D
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 6:36 PM
Annette, at 12:54 AM
Women can holy kiss me anytime they want.
Benjammin, at 2:18 AM
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