We act like manly men, manly men, HUH!
Alert, alert! Keep your eyes open for blanket statements about people, and keep your mind open to what I have to say.
That's right, we're men. Guys. Males. We like it. We like our steaks big and our cars fast. It's in our genes to watch and/or play sports. An attractive woman is almost always worth our time. These are some obvious examples of "manly" things. How is an attractive woman a "manly" thing? I'll get to that shortly.
Unless we're on a diet, we don't have money, or somehow aren't that hungry, we like steaks; man-sized steaks. I'm not talking about a dainty 8 ounce filet mignon, I'm talking about a 16 ounce pourterhouse or 12 ounce rib-eye. If it weren't for vegetables, that steak could/should be our entire meal. Vegetables are weak; meat is manly.
Certain cars can steal a man's attention away from a woman. He may know more about a car than he knows about you. It's scary, but exotic and fast cars speak to the inner man in a way that most women can't. A woman can say no if you ask her out on a date, but an Enzo Ferarri won't say no to going from 0-60 in a few seconds. Cars like that are kind of like an external replacement to a weightlifter's body. What's manlier than reving up a powerful engine and leaving everyone in your dust inside of a car with more curves than most of the women you know? That's right, there really isn't anything manlier than that.
Most guys love watching and/or playing sports. In case you haven't noticed, guys are competitive. We see who's stronger, who can throw a football further, who's got the biggest muscles, who can eat their food faster, who can keep their eyes open the longest without blinking, etc. We usually don't care how stupid the competition may be; it's a competition, and we're usually competitive by nature. Sports are all about competition and showing off your skill, and sometimes about having fun. Sports are also a good way for male bonding by the way.
When a guy is with an attractive woman, it makes him feel manly. It's proportional; the more attractive of a woman he's with, the manlier he feels and appears to other guys. It's like an unwritten law. Of course other factors come into play which can increase or decrease how manly he appears, but the point is that woman make men feel manly, and the more womanly she is, the manlier he feels.
These are things that virtuous and non-virtuous men feel. Like I said before, there are other ways that allow men to feel manlier, these are just some common examples. What sets the virtuous men aside from the non-virtuous men is that the virtuous guys aren't as simple when it comes to women. Remember how I said that other factors come into play when a guy is with an attractive girl? Those other factors play a big role. Being married to a sweet, innocent girl will make us feel truly manlier. An intellectual and funny girl will give us more joy than a nice looking girl. True manliness is being married to a virtuous woman, not a super model (although we wouldn't mind if that virtuous girl was a super model).
Men like being men, and we want it to stay that way. Whether it's superficial or real, there are many ways for us to feel and show our manliness. Virtuous men do enjoy the superficial feeling of manliness, but what they really want is that feeling of true manliness; cruising down the road in their Ferarri with their beautiful virtuous woman beside them as they head out to a steak house after finishing watching a football game. If they can't do that, they'll settle for a virtuous woman and a good steak (or in my case, some really good Italian food).
That's right, we're men. Guys. Males. We like it. We like our steaks big and our cars fast. It's in our genes to watch and/or play sports. An attractive woman is almost always worth our time. These are some obvious examples of "manly" things. How is an attractive woman a "manly" thing? I'll get to that shortly.
Unless we're on a diet, we don't have money, or somehow aren't that hungry, we like steaks; man-sized steaks. I'm not talking about a dainty 8 ounce filet mignon, I'm talking about a 16 ounce pourterhouse or 12 ounce rib-eye. If it weren't for vegetables, that steak could/should be our entire meal. Vegetables are weak; meat is manly.
Certain cars can steal a man's attention away from a woman. He may know more about a car than he knows about you. It's scary, but exotic and fast cars speak to the inner man in a way that most women can't. A woman can say no if you ask her out on a date, but an Enzo Ferarri won't say no to going from 0-60 in a few seconds. Cars like that are kind of like an external replacement to a weightlifter's body. What's manlier than reving up a powerful engine and leaving everyone in your dust inside of a car with more curves than most of the women you know? That's right, there really isn't anything manlier than that.
Most guys love watching and/or playing sports. In case you haven't noticed, guys are competitive. We see who's stronger, who can throw a football further, who's got the biggest muscles, who can eat their food faster, who can keep their eyes open the longest without blinking, etc. We usually don't care how stupid the competition may be; it's a competition, and we're usually competitive by nature. Sports are all about competition and showing off your skill, and sometimes about having fun. Sports are also a good way for male bonding by the way.
When a guy is with an attractive woman, it makes him feel manly. It's proportional; the more attractive of a woman he's with, the manlier he feels and appears to other guys. It's like an unwritten law. Of course other factors come into play which can increase or decrease how manly he appears, but the point is that woman make men feel manly, and the more womanly she is, the manlier he feels.
These are things that virtuous and non-virtuous men feel. Like I said before, there are other ways that allow men to feel manlier, these are just some common examples. What sets the virtuous men aside from the non-virtuous men is that the virtuous guys aren't as simple when it comes to women. Remember how I said that other factors come into play when a guy is with an attractive girl? Those other factors play a big role. Being married to a sweet, innocent girl will make us feel truly manlier. An intellectual and funny girl will give us more joy than a nice looking girl. True manliness is being married to a virtuous woman, not a super model (although we wouldn't mind if that virtuous girl was a super model).
Men like being men, and we want it to stay that way. Whether it's superficial or real, there are many ways for us to feel and show our manliness. Virtuous men do enjoy the superficial feeling of manliness, but what they really want is that feeling of true manliness; cruising down the road in their Ferarri with their beautiful virtuous woman beside them as they head out to a steak house after finishing watching a football game. If they can't do that, they'll settle for a virtuous woman and a good steak (or in my case, some really good Italian food).
I've said before, a wife to hold the remote, the other for the beer... But that isn't really the male dream. The Male Dream is a good girl with all of the good qualities you look for, AND she won't deny you a few wholesome rounds of some video game or arcade action! You know it.
Benjammin, at 11:26 PM
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