No, I'm not dead
I've been pretty lazy, but here's another post about my life. I'm actually doing stuff! Well, last Monday I played some basketball with friends. Fun as always. Tuesday I went to a water park with a friend. Unfortunately it was 10 year old kids in church group day, but my friend and I managed to go on plenty of rides. The best was a new one they had, because we nearly died on it the 3 times we went on it. My friend weighs about 170-180, it's mostly muscle. Keep that in mind. On the ride, you get into a big tube with 4 seats. We sat across from each other all 3 times, and each time, he was the one that went on the ride backwards. The people that push you on the ride had him go backwards each time, maybe by luck or design. Anywho, you go through a big tube, and you slowly pick up a little speed. Then you come out the tube on a nearly vertical drop of about 20 feet. No matter where you're sitting, you feel like you're about to fly out of the tube. On the last time we went on the ride, we could feel that we weren't totally on the slide when we went down, so we definitely could have fallen out and hurt ourselves. After the drop, you're in a big funnel that's at an angle. The momentum from the drop brings you up the side of the funnel. We went so high up the last time, we thought we'd fall out. We went higher than the other times, so we knew how close we were to falling out. My friend actually stood up when we got up high on the funnel. So that was that day.
Last Wednesday, I did work. A guy from our church needed help repairing his house from hurricane damage last year. He and his wife had moved out for a while, and are back now to do repairs. I've helped with roofing (putting in metal shingles shaped like terra cotta roof tiles, a pain to put in), installing double doors in his house, taking out the sliding glass door and doors that were there before, lawn maintainance for a client of his, taking out drywall, which was fun, and more roofing. I should be doing more of this next week too. I've had a few days last week and this past week to take a break from work.
Wednesday was fun, yet stupid. My friend had a Slip and Slide. We attached 2 tarps in front of it, and put water and dish soap on them, to make them slippery. We spent hours throwing football and making diving catches, tackling a 6 foot flotation thing and sliding on it, trying to jump on it and slide, that sort of thing. The problem is that running at full speed and jumping onto your chest and sliding on it about 100 times in a day causes your ribs and your stomach to hurt the next few days. Sneezing is a really painful and bad idea for me. So is moving. I actually had to do some roofing the next day, and boy was that not fun. My knees were scraped, and I had to wear knee pads and kneel down a lot to put the shingles in. Not fun.
Camp is getting really close, I can't wait. This year, even though I won't be a camper for my first time, should still be awesome. I'll make a lot of new friends who are older than me. Yay!
Last Wednesday, I did work. A guy from our church needed help repairing his house from hurricane damage last year. He and his wife had moved out for a while, and are back now to do repairs. I've helped with roofing (putting in metal shingles shaped like terra cotta roof tiles, a pain to put in), installing double doors in his house, taking out the sliding glass door and doors that were there before, lawn maintainance for a client of his, taking out drywall, which was fun, and more roofing. I should be doing more of this next week too. I've had a few days last week and this past week to take a break from work.
Wednesday was fun, yet stupid. My friend had a Slip and Slide. We attached 2 tarps in front of it, and put water and dish soap on them, to make them slippery. We spent hours throwing football and making diving catches, tackling a 6 foot flotation thing and sliding on it, trying to jump on it and slide, that sort of thing. The problem is that running at full speed and jumping onto your chest and sliding on it about 100 times in a day causes your ribs and your stomach to hurt the next few days. Sneezing is a really painful and bad idea for me. So is moving. I actually had to do some roofing the next day, and boy was that not fun. My knees were scraped, and I had to wear knee pads and kneel down a lot to put the shingles in. Not fun.
Camp is getting really close, I can't wait. This year, even though I won't be a camper for my first time, should still be awesome. I'll make a lot of new friends who are older than me. Yay!
You know, with all this roofing and stuff, you're gonna be all buff by the next time I see you. I'm not going to know who you are!
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 8:16 PM
Yay! Sliding!
Josh K, at 2:19 AM
My dad and a friend were roofing and they both slid off a 2 story house at the same time, and when they reached the ground they were still standing and didn't feel anything. They both couldn't believe it and all of the other roofers were amazed they were uninjured. I wonder?
Benjammin, at 6:31 PM
You're right Summer. By the time you see me next, I'll be all buff, and I'll have my sexy hair cut, the women will be all over me. Oh, wait a second, that's impossible, so I think I'll just stick with my sexy hair cut, and only have about half as many women come after me. Gotta be careful, I almost exaggerated back there!
Charles Fan, at 2:08 AM
Update your blog you crazy hunk of man!
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 8:58 PM
Bloggity blog blog!
Josh K, at 12:30 AM
I agree with Kerr! ...for once. :D
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 8:48 PM
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