College time!
Well, I've been through my first two weeks of college, yay! It's not that tough yet. I have Computer Science A & B 4 times a week. One of those classes we meet in the computer lab. The problem is that 75% of the computers in there are MACs, so we're learning how to use them. Whoever said that MACs are user friendly needs to be shot. A friend across the hall who has a MAC laptop (he got one because he wanted to see what they were like), hates how they're nowhere near as stable as they're proclaimed to be (whoever said they're stable also needs to be shot). The guy teaching the class is a million times better than my Computer Science teacher in high school. I have Evolution of the Universe, which is basically an astronomy class, looking at the way the universe works, with little emphasis on math (YES!). The teacher's pretty cool. I've got an English class called Writing About Monsters, but we write about monstrocity, the way it's depicted in various forms. The problem is the teacher doesn't seem that experienced, and don't explain things very well. Also, why would you hire a guy to teach English when he has some of the worst handwriting ever, and goes off topic constantly!? Not a good class. My final one is my RCC class (Rollins Conference Course). During orientation, we'd be with that class, and go around campus being oriented, and we'd make some friends in that class. A good way to get adjusted to college. Instead of giving you the longest name for a class ever, I'll just tell you what it's about. We're studying the art of ancient Egypt, and somewhat of the areas around Egypt. We're learning how the art affected just about everything in their lives. It's more interesting than it may sound. I love Thursdays. English from 11:00-11:50, and no more classes after that.
In case I haven't already told you, you're probably wondering what Rollins is like. Well, to start off, it's a beautiful campus, and most people here are pretty nice. There's a 60-40% ratio of women to men (which I honestly had no idea of), and most of those women are attractive, and like to show it off. I have wondered a few times how some of the people at this school met the qualifications. I also wonder how some of them are even going to last in the real world. I heard one girl going off on her dad because he wouldn't send her some coffee from home. It's not like there's a ton of places on campus to get coffee or anything!
There is bad language of course, and drinking. No, I have not had anything with alcohol in it to drink. Aside from that, there's not much to complain about. Now on to the cool things about college:
I live on the fourth floor of my dorm. We have a big lobby area with a tv, some couches, half the amount of people as the other floors, twice the washers and driers, and a ping pong table. We're trying to get a pool table on our floor too. Almost everyone on my floor is pretty cool. We're one of the best dorm floors on campus, maybe even the best. I have tennis courts, basketball courts, and a volleyball court right outside my dorm. We have a gym with basketball courts we can use any time, and a place where we can work out. I still have to go there, pump some iron, and be a stud at camp next year...or not. There are plenty of places around here to eat, and the food's good. There's a place where they serve subs and wraps, I want to live there.
My birthday was Thursday (I'm 19 in case you didn't know), and I played 3 hours of tennis that day. It was great. Even though it was in the middle of the day, and I was sweating like crazy, I was able to get warmed up enough so that I could hit the tennis ball the way I wanted to just about every time. I now have a backhand shot! I can put slice on the ball if I want. I can even come to net, which I could never do before. It was so awesome. I took a nap later that day, and had a 12 inch sub with chicken tenders in it, muenster cheese, and some sauce. Don't be jealous. Yesterday I had to meet with my RCC class from 2:00-3:15. It's mandatory for all freshmen in RCC classes. We played football (two hand touch), and I threw some frisbee after that.
It's pretty crazy having all this freedom. Unlike high school, there are no security officers or teachers telling people to stop making out. People smoke, and no one cares. Some people even throw away empty boxes of beer in the trash, and don't even try to hide it. It's insane sometimes, but I'm avoiding that stuff. Being in a school setting and having so much freedom is very different, but I'm used to it now.
Well, I've got nothing more to say. Just thought I should keep my blog alive. Since I'm getting used to my schedule, I hope to be able to post on here more often. Adios everyone.
In case I haven't already told you, you're probably wondering what Rollins is like. Well, to start off, it's a beautiful campus, and most people here are pretty nice. There's a 60-40% ratio of women to men (which I honestly had no idea of), and most of those women are attractive, and like to show it off. I have wondered a few times how some of the people at this school met the qualifications. I also wonder how some of them are even going to last in the real world. I heard one girl going off on her dad because he wouldn't send her some coffee from home. It's not like there's a ton of places on campus to get coffee or anything!
There is bad language of course, and drinking. No, I have not had anything with alcohol in it to drink. Aside from that, there's not much to complain about. Now on to the cool things about college:
I live on the fourth floor of my dorm. We have a big lobby area with a tv, some couches, half the amount of people as the other floors, twice the washers and driers, and a ping pong table. We're trying to get a pool table on our floor too. Almost everyone on my floor is pretty cool. We're one of the best dorm floors on campus, maybe even the best. I have tennis courts, basketball courts, and a volleyball court right outside my dorm. We have a gym with basketball courts we can use any time, and a place where we can work out. I still have to go there, pump some iron, and be a stud at camp next year...or not. There are plenty of places around here to eat, and the food's good. There's a place where they serve subs and wraps, I want to live there.
My birthday was Thursday (I'm 19 in case you didn't know), and I played 3 hours of tennis that day. It was great. Even though it was in the middle of the day, and I was sweating like crazy, I was able to get warmed up enough so that I could hit the tennis ball the way I wanted to just about every time. I now have a backhand shot! I can put slice on the ball if I want. I can even come to net, which I could never do before. It was so awesome. I took a nap later that day, and had a 12 inch sub with chicken tenders in it, muenster cheese, and some sauce. Don't be jealous. Yesterday I had to meet with my RCC class from 2:00-3:15. It's mandatory for all freshmen in RCC classes. We played football (two hand touch), and I threw some frisbee after that.
It's pretty crazy having all this freedom. Unlike high school, there are no security officers or teachers telling people to stop making out. People smoke, and no one cares. Some people even throw away empty boxes of beer in the trash, and don't even try to hide it. It's insane sometimes, but I'm avoiding that stuff. Being in a school setting and having so much freedom is very different, but I'm used to it now.
Well, I've got nothing more to say. Just thought I should keep my blog alive. Since I'm getting used to my schedule, I hope to be able to post on here more often. Adios everyone.
I wish I could play ping-pong! And we need to play tennis sometime.
Josh K, at 9:12 PM
We totally need to play some tennis. Maybe one year if we go to the same Feast site.
Charles Fan, at 10:49 PM
Ian me and you bud! Tennis courts 5 o'clock at the Feast!
Benjammin, at 10:56 AM
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