I shaved!
Two Thursdays ago I shaved. Big deal, right? Wrong. Since camp ended, I hadn't shaved until then. I took off everything except for a little gotee thing. I can actually pull it off, which is pretty amazing, and I actually look my age for once. I'll have to find a way to get a picture of how I look now, so that any of you who are interested can see.
If I haven't told you already, camped was awesome. Spending time with my friends, that extra bit of freedom and responsibility, it was all good. Unfortunately when I left I was sick like everyone else. My dad eventually got it, and it affected him pretty badly. The Florida humidity apparently brought out the worst part of the sickness; a really bad cough. With my dad, it was worse. He'd cough and not be able to breath, and have to find a way to breath in air while coughing uncontrollably. Been there, done that, a few years ago, not fun. Anywho, he's a lot better now.
Oh yeah, I should mention that I'm in college now, Rollins to be exact. It's in Orlando. I've spent the last few days meeting people, being a part of the orientation process. They had some of us go to a nursing home, and that was very humbling. However, aside from that, it's been pretty fun. The people on my floor are pretty cool, and so is the conference course class that I'm in. I'm pretty much caught up, after missing the first few days of orientation. Trying to get everything done in one day was crazy. I'm looking forward to my dad coming by next Friday. I'll get to go to services, and he'll bring some more stuff from home. I'll have my tennis raquet, football, and basketball. It's great where I'm staying because right as you walk out, there's tennis courts, a volleyball court, and basketball courts around the corner. The food's really good, and there are some good places nearby to eat. They also have a pool table, which is so cool. We're getting a ping pong table set up on our floorl, and within the next few days, my dorm mate and I might buy a small couch for our dorm, then maybe a telephone, tv, and possibly a video game system. Nothing's decided yet. Hopefully within the next weeks I'll have my own cell phone and car, which will be very helpful. I wish food here wasn't so expensive. It's not outrageously expensive, but it could be a little less expensive. However, it is good food, so I probably shouldn't complain. Well, that's all I can think of to talk about for now. Depending on how much work I have, I'll try to post on here more often, since I'll be doing new things every day. Take care everyone.
If I haven't told you already, camped was awesome. Spending time with my friends, that extra bit of freedom and responsibility, it was all good. Unfortunately when I left I was sick like everyone else. My dad eventually got it, and it affected him pretty badly. The Florida humidity apparently brought out the worst part of the sickness; a really bad cough. With my dad, it was worse. He'd cough and not be able to breath, and have to find a way to breath in air while coughing uncontrollably. Been there, done that, a few years ago, not fun. Anywho, he's a lot better now.
Oh yeah, I should mention that I'm in college now, Rollins to be exact. It's in Orlando. I've spent the last few days meeting people, being a part of the orientation process. They had some of us go to a nursing home, and that was very humbling. However, aside from that, it's been pretty fun. The people on my floor are pretty cool, and so is the conference course class that I'm in. I'm pretty much caught up, after missing the first few days of orientation. Trying to get everything done in one day was crazy. I'm looking forward to my dad coming by next Friday. I'll get to go to services, and he'll bring some more stuff from home. I'll have my tennis raquet, football, and basketball. It's great where I'm staying because right as you walk out, there's tennis courts, a volleyball court, and basketball courts around the corner. The food's really good, and there are some good places nearby to eat. They also have a pool table, which is so cool. We're getting a ping pong table set up on our floorl, and within the next few days, my dorm mate and I might buy a small couch for our dorm, then maybe a telephone, tv, and possibly a video game system. Nothing's decided yet. Hopefully within the next weeks I'll have my own cell phone and car, which will be very helpful. I wish food here wasn't so expensive. It's not outrageously expensive, but it could be a little less expensive. However, it is good food, so I probably shouldn't complain. Well, that's all I can think of to talk about for now. Depending on how much work I have, I'll try to post on here more often, since I'll be doing new things every day. Take care everyone.
You finally posted!
So you have facial hair? Typically I'm not a big fan...but I'll have to see. Hurry up and get a picture! :)
Glad you're getting all settled into college and that things worked out. That's so awesome! Hope you and your roommate continue to get along well. Good luck on your first semester!
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 11:11 AM
Rock on! I'm getting too lazy to shave, for some of my face, I'm just not. My plan is to get people used to this, then trim it less and less often, then just stop shaving all together.
Whoo! Freedom!
Oh, and rock on with school. Have fun w/ the sports.
Josh K, at 1:49 AM
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