The blog of a man STILL addicted to beef jerky

Monday, July 31, 2006

We are manly men

We don't like being called boys. Being called a boy is beyond just a pet peeve. It's an insult. You are insulting our manliness. We aren't boys. Boys are people that haven't reached puberty yet. Around the time they reach puberty, they transition into becoming a guy. Guy-ness is officially established around 15 or 16, although some establish themselves earlier. At age 18, we are legally men, but we still have to establish our manliness (college, job, responsibility, stuff like that). Around our early to mid-twenties, we officially become men, although some become men earlier. Until then, we are guys, or young men, both are acceptable. Just because we haven't had a chance to prove our manliness in high school doesn't mean we are boys. We don't graduate from boys to men. We stay as guys until we become men.

In fact, we like being guys. We get the best of both worlds. We can be REALLY immature like boys, and we can have intellectual talks like men. We can be responsible and irresponsible. If we don't have our life planned out by the time we graduate high school, don't call us boys. Give us some time to figure out what we want to do at college. Let us make ourselves into something. Look at our potential and see the person we're trying to become.

Do you want a guy who can keep you secure? If so, how do you know if he'll be able to do that? How can he prove that when he's in high school? He can't. There are qualities that you want in a guy that we can't prove until we're older. You'll have to see our potential first, based on other qualities we have or don't have.

We like being guys, we like being manly, but we know we aren't men right now. We're guys, preparing to become men, waiting to prove ourselves. We can't always just go out there and get in situations to prove who we are. Just because you don't see a quality in us doesn't mean we don't have it. Just because we don't have it now doesn't mean we aren't trying, or that we won't have it later.

We don't want to be insulted because we're not men yet. It takes time to become a man, and to prove that we're men. Call us guys, call us young men, but not boys. You might not mean to insult us by calling us boys, but please do us a favor, and say guys or young men instead. Unless, of course, you want to call us men, which we have no problem with.


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