Don't do it
Bands are not allowed to cover songs any more. Why? Because the band that usually covers the song has a combined music talent that isn't worth mentioning, there's a decent chance the song isn't worth remaking, and they bastardize (harsh word, but it's used in the Bible) the song. When I hear a really bad cover of a song I actually like, I want to rewind time back to a point when all I knew was the good version of that song. Sometimes a band messes up and accidentally comes out with a good cover (since most song covers suck, it has to be the band's intention to make them crappy, right?), but I'll give up the occasional good remake of a song if I never have to hear my favorite song after it's been through a musical blender.
man still with no self confidence? why is confidence such a big deal in society? God made you perfect just the way you are, he doesn't make mistakes... its just really sad that good ppl are made to feel inferior to other ppl who aren't so good... and i hope u were joking about carrying around a 6 pack of beer cause women like that THATS NOT cUTe at all. All that is going to come to you with that are whores....ah well just wanted to write that
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM
Hey Ian, I know exactly what you mean, I heard Fred Durst's version of Behind Blue Eyes, originally done by The Who, and now I want to gouge my own blue eyes out. Thanks Fred...for completely ruining a ridonkulously awesome song. What a nubcake.
Benjammin, at 11:39 PM
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