Play together, stay together
As I've stated before, men are competitive. It helps us be manly, and we like competing. I know women also like competing, even though it doesn't make them feel manly. Competing is fun, and a lot of guys like women that are at least somewhat competitive. We want to be able to share that competitiveness with you.
You see, when we normally compete with other guys, it's usually for fun, to see who's better, to show off, or some combination of the three. When we're playing and girls are watching and/or participating, we definitely want to show off, but look like we're just having fun, so that it doesn't seem like we're trying too hard. Ok, that's probably nothing new to you.
Now, let's say that there's a guy and a girl who are dating. Most likely, that guy will want to do something competitive with his girlfriend. Competing with her is a way for him to be manly, and to spend time with her. Plus it's a way for her to show interest in something he likes. Also, a woman being competitive/agressive can be attractive, but more importantly, it's a manly way for a guy to spend time with his girl.
This next part is kind of off topic, by does tie in. Have you ever noticed who usually leaves first in a conversation? Is it the guy or the girl? I've noticed that it's usually the girl. Guys in general want to spend as much time as they can with a girl. Of course guys will leave before the girl does if he has something to do, wants to see his other friends, isn't interested in that girl, and for other reasons as well. Of course, just because the guy doesn't leave first doesn't mean that he likes her. He might just be really friendly and not want to leave, or he hasn't seen her for a while and wants to hang out with her again, or some other reason. However, the most common of all these reasons is that the guy wants to spend as much time with her as he can. Maybe he likes her, or kind of likes her, or just likes who she is, so he probably won't be the one to have to say bye first. Note: some guys are experienced at "playing the game", so they'll walk away first, or something like that. Be aware of guys like that.
Under normal circumstances, the guy will want to spend time with you, and being competitive is a great and (in our minds) manly way to do it. I've said before that sports are a good way for male bonding. It can also be a good way for men and women to bond. That competitive/agressive behavior may seem attractive. We like being with you, doing something fun with you.
If you can totally kick our butt in a sport, that will probably be intimidating. If you can give us a run for our money, cool. We're fine with you winning sometimes. Beyond that, it's compromising our manliness. There's nothing wrong with you being really good at a sport, or two, or three, or however many. It's just that we really don't want to lose to a girl. If I'm playing tennis against Maria Sharapova, there's no shame in me losing badly to her. If I'm playing a sport I'm not good at, and she's on the school team, that's understandable. Beyond that, losing to a girl isn't good for us. Sorry, that's just how it is.
I would ruin Sharapova, or else leave society to live out my shameful life in the Rocky Mountains.
Josh K, at 12:20 AM
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