The blog of a man STILL addicted to beef jerky

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pure genius!

Ever had a bag of Lays potato chips? The ones with the basic flavor? You know what's genious about it? Look at the ingredients. There's only 2 or 3! And they charge as much as they do for other chips that have about 40 ingredients. It's dirt cheap to make, and they charge as much as other brands do for stuff with more ingredients. They've gotta be making a ton of money off of that stuff! It's like watching people buy a can of soda for a dollar, when for an extra dollar (or maybe just one dollar if ther's a sale), you can get two liters! I don't care about searching stores to save a few cents on a item, and wasting the same amount of gas going to different stores to compare prices, but I hate it when people just throw their money away. And I think it's cool that Lays and other companies can charge as much for original flavor chips as they do for barbeque or whatever.

Yes, this was another post about chips, but chips are very important to me.


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