Guess who's back?
Me, that's who. I haven't posted on here because, well, what was there to post about? More basketball, more feeling like my life's going nowhere, the usual. My friend's girlfriend was supposed to get me a ticket when I found out that him and some friends were going to the premier of Star Wars. She forgot, so I couldn't go. There goes the highlight of the month pretty much. I got my hair cut today, continuing the spike look. The barber shop is right next door to me, very convenient. I had to run home after I got my hair cut since there was a crowd of women chasing after me, telling me how great I looked with my hair cut. Hahaha, or not. I should stop lying.
I realized that a spiked hair cut is like one of the only cool things that I can get away with doing. I can't wear cool designer clothes without looking like I robbed a bank, and made some guy switch clothes with me so that I wouldn't get caught. I can't use cool words, it'll be like me trying to act like I speak Spannish natively. If I talk about sports, people don't want to believe that I know what a football is, or that I'd rather watch a basketball game instead of read a book on subatomic particles. I look like a video game person, which I am, so that's 2 cool things I can do and get away with. I've got card tricks which lose their novelty after I show them to someone, and juggling which loses its novelty when you realize that most of the people watching can juggle too.
I most likely won't be going to L4T, since I can't afford it. My mom payed for the airfare the last 2 years, but this year she didn't. That $200+ would have been spent on L4T, but since I don't have an extra $200 laying around, it's just camp this year. It's better than nothing though.
Well, now you know that I'm still alive and haven't forgotten my blog. I hope to be back soon with more stuff about my life or thoughts, if any of those happen to be interesting.
Keep it real everyone.
Oh wait, I so can't say something like that.
Take care everyone!
There, that's better.
I realized that a spiked hair cut is like one of the only cool things that I can get away with doing. I can't wear cool designer clothes without looking like I robbed a bank, and made some guy switch clothes with me so that I wouldn't get caught. I can't use cool words, it'll be like me trying to act like I speak Spannish natively. If I talk about sports, people don't want to believe that I know what a football is, or that I'd rather watch a basketball game instead of read a book on subatomic particles. I look like a video game person, which I am, so that's 2 cool things I can do and get away with. I've got card tricks which lose their novelty after I show them to someone, and juggling which loses its novelty when you realize that most of the people watching can juggle too.
I most likely won't be going to L4T, since I can't afford it. My mom payed for the airfare the last 2 years, but this year she didn't. That $200+ would have been spent on L4T, but since I don't have an extra $200 laying around, it's just camp this year. It's better than nothing though.
Well, now you know that I'm still alive and haven't forgotten my blog. I hope to be back soon with more stuff about my life or thoughts, if any of those happen to be interesting.
Keep it real everyone.
Oh wait, I so can't say something like that.
Take care everyone!
There, that's better.
Non-pop-culture-dudes unite! Mainstream sucks anyway. Rock on with LYC. L4T would have been nice, no doubt, the at least you're going to the main event. I don't know if I am or not, yet.
Josh K, at 1:13 AM
Where'd you go, Ian Bian?
Summer from Lorelei Caroline, at 10:29 AM
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