Final Banquet
By now I written so many posts on men that if you haven't started from the beginning, you'll have to go back to the archives. Just thought I'd point that out.
Final Banquet!? What does this have to do with anything? Well, considering that camp just ended, and another Final Banquet has come and gone, I figured that I'd offer some thoughts and perspectives on this anual occasion.
The average guy doesn't spend a lot of time getting himself ready each day. He doesn't have to blowdry his hair, put on makeup, pick an outfit that compliments his hair style, or anything like that. If he knows that he'll be doing a lot of physical activity that day, he'll probably choose to wear some athletic pants. That's usually the extent of how he prepares himself for the day. When it's the Sabbath, or there's Topics and Dance that night, he'll probably spend a little more time on preparing himself. He might put on a dash of cologne or spray himself with some body spray if he feels like it/brought any with him. He may double check that his hair (if he has any) looks good since he won't have sports as an excuse for it not looking normal. He'll also be sure to remember the deodorant too, since he won't have sports as an excuse for him smelling slightly stinky.
When Final Banquet comes, a guy will probably end up smelling like Axe body spray whether he wants to or not. He'll be sure that his hair looks good and he's in his nicest outfit. The guy just wants to look nice and natural. He knows you're gonna spend a while getting yourself ready, so he'll spend a good amount of time (for a guy) getting himself ready too.
So what does the guy think about women getting themselves ready for Final Banquet? Frankly, some women are a little overkill in our opinion. By the time we're ready, you're still working on your hair. Your outfit for Final Banquet, which is most likely pretty extravagant and/or expensive, you probably won't wear many more times. You might not even wear it again! Yeah, we know that you like shopping, but $200-300 or more for a one night occasion where you don't need to be that dressed up is a little too much. Spend that amount for prom. Wear a nice outfit, or buy something you'll wear more than twice. We don't care if you wear the same outfit at the Feast, or at camp next year. Seriously, we would prefer that would wear it again. It'll bring back good memories. When you get back home, wear it on the Sabbath if you wanna get dressed up.
Another thing is the makeup. We don't like a lot of makeup. A little bit is good. If you don't wear any, we're cool with that. Some girls do look better with a little makeup on, and that's fine. When you start looking like a mannequin, that's when we don't like it. Seriously, less is more. We like the natural look. Very rarely does someone with a load of makeup really look attractive to us, and even then, we would prefer that they look natural. I'm going to give a bad example, because there's no real way of explaining it better that I can think of now.
Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition. I warned you, bad example. Here's what a stereotypical girl looks like in that magazine: she's in a swimsuit, by some beach somewhere, laying in different poses. Is her hair all perfect? Nope! It's messy, but it's natural looking. Is she wearing makeup? Maybe not, since she's rolling around on the beach. She'll look more natural without that makeup. Simply put: there's something about that natural look that is attractive. I'm not talking about when you wake up in the morning after a bad night. That's not a really attractive natural look. We'll still find you attractive, but the look won't be. We want that natural and real look. It gets to us. Once again, not every guy thinks this way.
So back to your hair, so that I don't sound like a hypocrite. We don't want your hair to be all natural like when you're at Final Banquet. We want it to look nice. It doesn't have to be all crazy. If it's a normal day, we still want it to look nice. A nice and kind of natural look, if you can pull it off, also looks nice, but the way you usually do it works. When it comes to makeup, we like natural over fake.
We like it when you dress up and look nice. However, you can try too hard to look nice and take away from what you have. Final Banquet is a special occasion, and yes, as men, we don't have to prepare ourselves like women do. We have less to prepare, so we make things simpler. We have no problem with you preparing yourselves more than us, but we don't want you to overdo it. Your outfits don't have to be super expensive, your hair doesn't have to be crazy, and less makeup is better.
Final Banquet!? What does this have to do with anything? Well, considering that camp just ended, and another Final Banquet has come and gone, I figured that I'd offer some thoughts and perspectives on this anual occasion.
The average guy doesn't spend a lot of time getting himself ready each day. He doesn't have to blowdry his hair, put on makeup, pick an outfit that compliments his hair style, or anything like that. If he knows that he'll be doing a lot of physical activity that day, he'll probably choose to wear some athletic pants. That's usually the extent of how he prepares himself for the day. When it's the Sabbath, or there's Topics and Dance that night, he'll probably spend a little more time on preparing himself. He might put on a dash of cologne or spray himself with some body spray if he feels like it/brought any with him. He may double check that his hair (if he has any) looks good since he won't have sports as an excuse for it not looking normal. He'll also be sure to remember the deodorant too, since he won't have sports as an excuse for him smelling slightly stinky.
When Final Banquet comes, a guy will probably end up smelling like Axe body spray whether he wants to or not. He'll be sure that his hair looks good and he's in his nicest outfit. The guy just wants to look nice and natural. He knows you're gonna spend a while getting yourself ready, so he'll spend a good amount of time (for a guy) getting himself ready too.
So what does the guy think about women getting themselves ready for Final Banquet? Frankly, some women are a little overkill in our opinion. By the time we're ready, you're still working on your hair. Your outfit for Final Banquet, which is most likely pretty extravagant and/or expensive, you probably won't wear many more times. You might not even wear it again! Yeah, we know that you like shopping, but $200-300 or more for a one night occasion where you don't need to be that dressed up is a little too much. Spend that amount for prom. Wear a nice outfit, or buy something you'll wear more than twice. We don't care if you wear the same outfit at the Feast, or at camp next year. Seriously, we would prefer that would wear it again. It'll bring back good memories. When you get back home, wear it on the Sabbath if you wanna get dressed up.
Another thing is the makeup. We don't like a lot of makeup. A little bit is good. If you don't wear any, we're cool with that. Some girls do look better with a little makeup on, and that's fine. When you start looking like a mannequin, that's when we don't like it. Seriously, less is more. We like the natural look. Very rarely does someone with a load of makeup really look attractive to us, and even then, we would prefer that they look natural. I'm going to give a bad example, because there's no real way of explaining it better that I can think of now.
Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition. I warned you, bad example. Here's what a stereotypical girl looks like in that magazine: she's in a swimsuit, by some beach somewhere, laying in different poses. Is her hair all perfect? Nope! It's messy, but it's natural looking. Is she wearing makeup? Maybe not, since she's rolling around on the beach. She'll look more natural without that makeup. Simply put: there's something about that natural look that is attractive. I'm not talking about when you wake up in the morning after a bad night. That's not a really attractive natural look. We'll still find you attractive, but the look won't be. We want that natural and real look. It gets to us. Once again, not every guy thinks this way.
So back to your hair, so that I don't sound like a hypocrite. We don't want your hair to be all natural like when you're at Final Banquet. We want it to look nice. It doesn't have to be all crazy. If it's a normal day, we still want it to look nice. A nice and kind of natural look, if you can pull it off, also looks nice, but the way you usually do it works. When it comes to makeup, we like natural over fake.
We like it when you dress up and look nice. However, you can try too hard to look nice and take away from what you have. Final Banquet is a special occasion, and yes, as men, we don't have to prepare ourselves like women do. We have less to prepare, so we make things simpler. We have no problem with you preparing yourselves more than us, but we don't want you to overdo it. Your outfits don't have to be super expensive, your hair doesn't have to be crazy, and less makeup is better.
Ok, Ian, I have to call you on this one. There's nothing natural about the girls in the SI: Swimsuit Edition. Their hair tossled, but fixed that way, the make-up appears smoooth and natural, but covers everything, and what the make-up artists miss, the graphic artists smooth out and enhance digitally. I'm not sayin' that they're not attractive...but natural? Come on...
BanjoBen, at 8:49 PM
I was just trying to point out that the look they go for is natural, even though they do stuff to make it look that way, and even after that, like you said, they can digitally enhance the quality and whatnot. I know there were a lot better examples to use, but I thought it would be funny/interesting to refer to SI: Swimsuit Edition in a blog post about Final Banquet.
Charles Fan, at 4:56 PM
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